Audience at FEAST Film Nights

Feast Film Nights bring together people who love film and their community in an area that currently has no cinema. The group get together regularly to programme and show interesting, quirky, cult or classic films or documentaries twice a month in the Portico Gallery. The gallery itself is a huge space with plush red cinema seats and an enormous screen. Plus there’s even a bar – just like in the olden days!

The emphasis is not just on the film itself but on the whole ‘getting together’ experience. Some of our features have been supported by live music performances, DJs, post-feature discussion, spoken word, and themed drinks and food – anything to make the experience several steps up from simply going to the local Odeon. And a lot cheaper!

We show six films (two per month) per season: Winter (Jan – Mar), Spring (May – Jul) and Autumn (Oct – Dec). We also show kids films. Watch this space, check our website, Facebook or Twitter for further details.

Our films usually start at 8pm and cost £5 for adults. Check each individual event for more details!

FEAST Film Nights logoInterested?

Have you ever wanted to see your favourite film on a big screen? You can! We are always looking for more volunteers, and by volunteering with us you can choose your own film and host your own night. We will guide you through it and be there to support you. Email us on hello@westnorwoodfeast.com, come along to a film night and talk to any of the volunteers, or find us at the HQ stall at West Norwood Feast.

Email:  hello@westnorwoodfeast.com
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/feastfilmnights
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/film_feast